Journey to the Heart of Christ

Journey to the Heart of Christ

The Little Mandate of God to Catherine Doherty

Regular price$29.95

In this extensive work, Fr. Robert Wild has compiled a simple, straightforward introduction to the spirituality of the Servant of God Catherine Doherty as synthesized in what she called her “Little Mandate” —words given to her by the Lord over the course of many years. Using Catherine’s own words and quoting extensively from her published and unpublished works, he brings us to the heart of her unique and life-changing gospel vision.

Publisher: Madonna House Publications

Year Published: 2013

SKU: 9780921440833

ISBN: 978-0-921440-83-3

Product Size: 5.5″ x 8.25″

Pages: 390 pages

“A most profitable examination of this part of Catherine’s spirituality…. Father Wild really lets Catherine Doherty speak for herself by using her works, both published and unpublished, so extensively that you will feel that you have met her by the time you finish this marvelous book…. It is unique and attractive.” — The Priest

“At last, thank God, a good spiritual book for parishioners, ordinary Catholics…. Catherine in her spiritual writings has both feet on the ground, she lives in the real world, she has uncommon common sense…. Yes, here is a book for the ‘common garden variety’ of Catholics.” — Homiletic & Pastoral Review

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